Flicker Fusion

What I do is I stand up to power. I expose corruption in the back rooms.

What I do is I stand up to power. I expose corruption in the back rooms.

—Serially unrepentant douchebag James O’Keefe after being sentenced to three years probation, 100 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine for tampering with Senator Mary Landrieu’s office phone. Since he’s so interested in being a “disinfectant” of corruption, and since he’s already in Louisiana, I’m sure he’ll be looking into the back room dealing that lead to the criminal mismanagement of, say, offshore drilling.

The Web site not only “has cutting-edge technology but a winsome design that is easy for people to interact with.”

The Web site not only “has cutting-edge technology but a winsome design that is easy for people to interact with.”

—Peter Roskam (R-IL) on the new GOP funded America Speaking Out website that launched this week. The site is an attempt by the Republican party to appear like they have some actual ideas, instead of just jargony sloganeering, headed into the elections. The results of crowdsourcing a new Contract With America are going about as well as you’d expect. Winsome!

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Just in case you haven’t gotten enough fishstick or white men “dancing”. I love the hobo photobomber.


“Seattle Fresh Fishstick”

Jim and I were delighted to contribute to TJ’s “Fish Schtick,” celebrating You Look Nice Today’s Fishstick dance sweeping the nation (more details here).

The embedded video above is the one where Jim and I demonstrate our full interpretation of the classic on a lovely Seattle spring day, parts of which made it into TJ’s fantastic final project. We (including Sadie, our outstanding director of photography) had fun putting this together. Thanks to our YLNT friends (especially Adam for the video lesson), to TJ for the awesome project idea, and to the hobo who crashes on the grass and claps a little with his fingers.

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“Fish Schtick”:

TJ put this together and he’s awesome. I played the role of “uncoordinated white dude number 2”. Everything that was great about our contribution is because of Sam, everything that’s lame is my fault. And we had a great time.

Thanks, of course, to Merlin, Scott and Adam for being, well, you.

A Verizon reality check

A Verizon reality check

It’s easy to glorify Verizon as an iPhone owner, because AT&T is so awful. But Verizon sucks, too — just in different ways, for the most part.

Marco does a great job reminding us all why we shouldn’t be so happy to jump into the angler fish jaws of Verizon. Their network may be better than AT&T’s (though even that’s not a given, impossible though it may seem) but they’re still an evil, awful phone company. Verizon’s only going to be all to happy to gouge every iPhone user as much as possible.

Don’t wish for an iPhone on Verizon, wish for something altogether different with all of that spectrum we were promised with the digital TV switchover.

The data suggests that people who are Tea Party supporters have a higher probability"—25 percent, to be exact—“of being racially resentful than those who are not Tea Party supporters

The data suggests that people who are Tea Party supporters have a higher probability"—25 percent, to be exact—“of being racially resentful than those who are not Tea Party supporters

—Christopher Parker, who directed a study on the teabaggers for by the University of Washington’s Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality. Full results.