Just in case you haven’t gotten enough fishstick or white men “dancing”. I love the hobo photobomber.
“Seattle Fresh Fishstick”
Jim and I were delighted to contribute to TJ’s “Fish Schtick,” celebrating You Look Nice Today’s Fishstick dance sweeping the nation (more details here).
The embedded video above is the one where Jim and I demonstrate our full interpretation of the classic on a lovely Seattle spring day, parts of which made it into TJ’s fantastic final project. We (including Sadie, our outstanding director of photography) had fun putting this together. Thanks to our YLNT friends (especially Adam for the video lesson), to TJ for the awesome project idea, and to the hobo who crashes on the grass and claps a little with his fingers.
New photoblog launches at msnbc.com
Things have been busy at work lately. My pal and colleague Martin McClellan (aka @hellbox) designed and built this (along with the folks at Newsvine) and it’s just incredible. Quite an improvement over the previous iteration of our photoblog (I know because I built that one). I love the huge photos and clean design.
“Fish Schtick”:
TJ put this together and he’s awesome. I played the role of “uncoordinated white dude number 2”. Everything that was great about our contribution is because of Sam, everything that’s lame is my fault. And we had a great time.
Thanks, of course, to Merlin, Scott and Adam for being, well, you.