Flicker Fusion

The truth is, Arrington been trying to sell TechCrunch for years — at least since 2007 when he hired Heather Harde, an M&A guru, from Fox Interactive, and named her CEO of TechCrunch. Back in those days Mike was full of talk about that big “liquidity event” that was right around the corner. Supposedly all the big brands were coming to him and begging him to sell. Now it’s three years later and he still can’t unload the thing.

The truth is, Arrington been trying to sell TechCrunch for years — at least since 2007 when he hired Heather Harde, an M&A guru, from Fox Interactive, and named her CEO of TechCrunch. Back in those days Mike was full of talk about that big “liquidity event” that was right around the corner. Supposedly all the big brands were coming to him and begging him to sell. Now it’s three years later and he still can’t unload the thing.

—Speaking of TechCrunch’s impending sale, here’s Fake Steve.

I have no idea how to identify with you people. It is like I am on Mars.

I have no idea how to identify with you people. It is like I am on Mars.

—Michael Arrington doesn’t grok Seattle. He moved here a few months ago because Silicon Valley burned him out and now he seems to be saying we’re – what, exactly? Not enough like Silicon Valley? Or maybe he’s just hanging out because our dumb tax laws mean that he’ll collect a bigger paycheck when he cashes in on Techcrunch. What a douche.