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Reading through the comment thread about the new story pages on reminds me why I own the domain name
But blogging on Tumblr is sort of like being in high school.
—Oh, that’s clever, Posterous. You know what else is sorta like being in high school? Catty, passive-aggressive bullshit like your lame “switch” campaign. How about focusing on making an awesome product that people want to use instead of trying to market yourselves as something other than a derivative also-ran. Here’s a free tip: comments ain’t gonna do it.
Google has a new tutorial site all about HTML 5
Looks pretty great, especially the playground.
I have to wonder when “Flash on Android Rocks” is coming…
Publish the story and shop it to every media outlet under the sun because you realize that it’s actual news, unlike Lady Gaga’s machine gun jumblies.
—Talking Points memo enumerates the ways in which Rolling Stone won the news cycle but lost the story with its handling of the McChrystal profile that everyone is talking about. Turns out the RS didn’t even bother to have a copy online despite shopping it all over creation. (Read it here now.)
Kottke’s quiet iPhone wallpaper
Ok, that’s pretty funny
Did you upgrade to iOS 4 today, ooh and aah at the new wallpaper feature and then decide it was actually pretty annoying?
A while ago, I made a wallpaper for the iOS 4 betas since I was decidedly unimpressed with the ones that shipped by default. Some of you liked it, a few more even asked if I’d make one for the new, high-res iPhone 4. Honestly, these made me chuckle since there’s really not much to it, but here you go.
Same black background, same Fireball gray, now just bigger and high resier. Save big_fanboy.jpg to wherever it is your iPhone looks for photos or you can just tap that link directly on your phone and tap-hold the image to save. Enjoy.
Oooooh! Marco made one that’s all textury. Gosh, that looks swell.
Urbanape made some nice ones as well.
The design work on these are, of course, fantastic but the copywriting is equally wonderful.
Protege Partners is taking the bet, money goes to charity.