Ruby enVironment Manager looks a lot like Python’s Virtualenv
Ruby enVironment Manager looks a lot like Python’s Virtualenv
I’m a huge fan of Virtualenv, nice to see something similar come to Ruby
no title
This is so gorgeous [via my beautiful future wife who said she’d marry me under those very stars and meteors]
Ruby enVironment Manager looks a lot like Python’s Virtualenv
I’m a huge fan of Virtualenv, nice to see something similar come to Ruby
MPEG won’t charge a licensing fee for H.264
The codec is still patented, of course, but the patents’ owners will never charge a licensing fee for free video. I wonder if this will mean Firefox will natively support H.264 now and what this will mean for VP8 and WebM.
Five Thirty Eight all set up at the New York Times
Sharp looking site, love the intro post. “There seems to be something about politics that can make the rational parts of the brain turn off. FiveThirtyEight was designed to be the antidote to that.”
One more addition to the almanac of awesome juxtapositions of content and bot-generated-ads-based-on-the-demographics-of-your-users.
I miss Get Your War On.
Anybody else think SeoulBrother and Moltz should play Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable in the live action version?
Accelerated Emergence of High Maturity Behaviors Unsucked: Faster results.
—Mule’s Unsuck It is an awesome jargon translator.
But all those who wonder whether revelations of her personal prima donna qualities will damage her image are proceeding from an assumption that she does, in fact, disguise her self-centered side well in managed environments. I’ve long disagreed with that assessment, because her famous Facebook postings often have the tone of a nasty, snotty, slightly dense but popular high-school girl.
—Newsweek’s Ben Adler cuts to the core of Palinism and why Facebook is the perfect medium for her to spew her “message”.
Yay! The Incidentis finally out. 50,000 meters, 500 coins, 26 million pixels, and a bitchin’ soundtrack - all for two bucks. Click the thing with the thing!
My pal Neven did the graphics for this swell game, The Incident. It’s great fun, super simple, you gotta play this thing. Go on now, go!
Elate Vapory
—One of nearly three thousand anagrams for “eat pray love” as discovered by Apelad.