GOP Debate Watch
A sharp (and witty!) site from Obama’s re-election campaign.
well there goes that million dollar idea
Well there goes that million dollar idea
A sharp (and witty!) site from Obama’s re-election campaign.
My name is Justin Bieber and it has been for 50 years, I am not some punk ass singer homosexual but because some little ass bandit has the same name as me I have to use my middle name. God dammit I’m a human and I have rights too.
—Meet Justin John Bieber.
Palin will never become a party elder stateswoman. Over the past three years, it became apparent to all but a handful of cultists that her only interests were money and celebrity. She had no concept of public service, and no capacity to serve even if she had wished to do so. Soon even those last cultists will quietly abandon the argument. We talk often these days about makers and takers. Sarah Palin was the ultimate taker. She abandoned her post as governor of Alaska to cash in on lectures and TV. She squeezed her supporters for political donations and spent the money on herself. To adapt an old phrase, she seen her opportunities and she took ‘em. In the end, she exploited, abused, or embarrassed almost everyone who had believed in her. Most embarrassing of all: she was never even a very good con artist. Everything that was false and petty and unqualified in her was visible within the first minutes of encountering her. The people she fooled were people who passionately wished to be fooled. To that extent, what was important in her story was not the faults and failings of Sarah Palin. There have always been grifters in politics. What was important in her story was the revelation of conservatism’s lack of antibodies against somebody with the faults and failings of Sarah Palin. That’s the story that should trouble us still.
—David Frum (via azspot)
My pal MikeD has a great breakdown on what you look for in a camera these days. He makes a good argument that you should either go full frame DSLR, micro-four thirds or camera phone.
Apple also did not announce a cure for cancer. Journalism!
Why the New York Times isn’t using Facebook’s “frictionless sharing”
Michael Donohoe says the Times was concerned about the privacy implications of automatically sharing everything you read. It’s nice to see some pushback against the seemingly endless march of social media intrusiveness.
It’s now illegal to pay off the Yakuza, part of Japan’s efforts to crack down on the local mob. Whether you think this is a good idea or, essentially, blaming the victim, you gotta love this illustrated guide from the Tokyo government. (Click to embiggen)
Instead of a device-siloed software application, Amazon Silk deploys a split-architecture. All of the browser subsystems are present on your Kindle Fire as well as on the AWS cloud computing platform. Each time you load a web page, Silk makes a dynamic decision about which of these subsystems will run locally and which will execute remotely. In short, Amazon Silk extends the boundaries of the browser, coupling the capabilities and interactivity of your local device with the massive computing power, memory, and network connectivity of our cloud.
—The browser built into the new Kindle Fire can offload processing tasks to cloud-based computers. Given how (relatively) underpowered the processors are in mobile devices, this is an interesting solution to some rendering issues that tablets and phones face. Everything from DNS resolution to parsing CSS to executing Javascript can be handled by a beefy computer on a super fast network. Amazon calls it a “limitless cache” aimed at solving some of the last-mile issues that devices are running into beyond just bandwidth.