…although the end-of-life use of Medicare is a government problem that violates almost every philosophy [Republicans] espouse about the proper role of government—public sector over private; easily exploited by, rather than protected from, trial lawyers; a moral hazard, consequence-free billing system as opposed to rational, need-based spending; a program with rising outlays as opposed to slow or zero growth outlays—Medicare is instead the very program they are rallying behind.
And why? For votes—specifically the votes of those angry, mostly-white seniors upon whom they are betting their electoral fortunes in 2010 and beyond. In short, the GOP has now become so wedded to its dying, white majority that it is willing to sacrifice not only good public policy and smart long-term budgeting, but its very own core principles.
—Tom Schaller over at FiveThirtyEight on the Republican party’s identity crisis.
Filtering for Tweetie
Get rid of all the # followfriday and # fb and and 4sq inanity [via Mr. Couch]
You should spend your winter perfecting these.
What can we say – it’s December and the BCS is in chaos again
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and sponsor of a bill before Congress to force college football to use a playoff system rather than bowl games to determine the national champion.
I realize our Congresspeople are perfectly capable of handling multiple tasks at once and that the bowl system is a terrible way to handle this. But there is absolutely no way anyone will ever convince me that this merits the attention of our elected officials. If they’re breaking the law, enforce the law, otherwise, stay out of it.
I’m also curious if Rep. Barton, ranking Republican on the committee that determines this country’s energy policy, has spent the same time and effort on, say, understanding the science of climate change as he has his efforts to reform college fucking football.
The New York Times takes a look at the SousVide Supreme
A $500 temperature control system for the low temperature water bath cooking that’s all the rage. This strikes me as the prosumer version of sous vide, between the DIY methods people have cobbled…

The biggest Food Network foodgasms of the year [via chumblespuzz]

A polar bear ice sculpture melts to reveal a bronze skeleton in Copenhagen, Denmark on Tuesday as the UN Climate Change Conference takes place. | Bob Strong/Reuters
Google’s Living Story pulls together a number of good ideas for news aggregation
Adds background information, context, related stories and remembers what you’ve already seen to provide the most up to date information. Strikes me as a slightly more atomic approach to topics rather than story pages, per se, but rethinking that idea is certainly something that needs to happen.