Neither service is a lost cause. Yet. But both would be well served to revisit what made them special in the first place: engaging with peers, not merely consuming content from brands and celebrities; being a creative platform for developers; and championing social media where users, not advertisers, call the shots.
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Neither service is a lost cause. Yet. But both would be well served to revisit what made them special in the first place: engaging with peers, not merely consuming content from brands and celebrities; being a creative platform for developers; and championing social media where users, not advertisers, call the shots.
Why Fast Company doesn’t consider Facebook or Twitter amongst the most innovative companies.
As much as I agree, I just don’t see it happening. What they are describing here is social networking circa mid-2007, not 2013. It’s like pining for the old 5-cent store and soda fountain in an age of Walmart and McDonald’s.