see that thats a kevin cornell illustration1
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See that?
That’s a Kevin Cornell illustration1 for an article I wrote for A List Apart. I’m pretty proud of that.
It turned out really differently than when I started, much more proscriptive than I’d hoped, took me way too long2 to finish and seriously had to try the patience of the entire staff, the wonderful Carolyn Wood most of all. But there it is, a real thing, live, at a URL I hold in the highest regard, alongside a fantastic design article.
Like a lot of web nerds of a certain generation, I cut my teeth on A List Apart. Zeldman and crew taught me so much of what I know about working online. Beyond just the facts or the techniques (I still consult the classics like taming lists), being a regular ALA reader gave me a framework for thinking about the web, how it works, how people work on it.
These days, largely owing to being in the right place at the right time, I get to call Jeffrey and others like Ethan and Ryan and Carolyn not just colleagues but friends. I’m pretty proud of that, too, and happy that they let me give just a little bit back.
With a sly self-reference ↩︎
Seriously, I checked the git init date – last August! ↩︎