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James O’Keefe continues to prove what a sick, showboating dickhead he really is

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James O’Keefe continues to prove what a sick, showboating dickhead he really is

You’ll remember O’Keefe from such hits as the ACORN “investigation” that turned out to be a bunch of selectively edited tapes instead of a systematic system of corruption and the cock who was arrested for tampering with the phone line of a sitting senator.

His latest trick was to attempt to lure a CNN reporter onto a boat, alone, surrounded by dildos (presumably other than himself) and then hit on her to somehow expose the “awkwardness”. Not only is that the dumbest “exposé” I can imagine, it’s stupid, disingenuous and dangerous. Seriously, what kind of a dumbass calls a stunt like this a “caper”?

O’Keefe, let’s not forget, was roundly applauded by right wing politicians, given a job by Andrew Breitbart and paraded around FOX News as some kind of hero. I’m certain that his defenders will be backtracking just as quickly as they apologized for wrongly demonizing ACORN.