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Consumer Reports is raising serious doubts about precious metals dealer and Glenn Beck fave Goldline

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Consumer Reports is raising serious doubts about precious metals dealer and Glenn Beck fave Goldline

If you’ve spent any time listening to right wing radio or watching FOX News, you’re familiar with Goldline. These guys are straight up hucksters, selling “security” to the conspiratorially inclined despite the fact that real economists say that precious metals are a pretty poor investment for normal people. Of course, conservatives have done a fantastic job convincing people to vote against their own economic interests for decades, this seems like a natural collusion.

Goldline isn’t just some advertiser, though, Beck has been particularly vocal in his support of their scams. In this schmaltzy, over the top bit he personally vouches for their integrity.

Mother Jones wrote about Beck’s love affair with Goldline and the intertwining of right wing paranoia and the thirst for gold a few months ago.