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stevewhitaker what was your very first itunes

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What was your very first iTunes purchase?

Log in to your account in iTunes, then click “Purchase History” and jump to the earliest possible date.

Apparently, at one point in my life, I liked the Ataris’ cover of “The Boys of Summer.”

I’m sorry.

My original iTunes account is long gone but I remember my first iTunes purchase because I angsted over it for days, I kid you not. I was worried about the DRM, worried about all of the Slashdot comment threads about how this meant the end of freedom and ownership forever. Seriously, I actually debated it.

Then I came home to my crummy, messy one bedroom after a night of barhopping across Wrigleyville, buzzed and happy with the world, hit BUY on Wilco’s “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” and marveled that this was the fucking future, man.