Flicker Fusion

Unlike most popular smart phones, the Kins won’t have access to application stores that let customers download add-on software programs. [Roz] Ho [leader of the Microsoft Kin group] said her team studied consumer habits and then built the activities they used most often into the Kin phones.

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Unlike most popular smart phones, the Kins won’t have access to application stores that let customers download add-on software programs. [Roz] Ho [leader of the Microsoft Kin group] said her team studied consumer habits and then built the activities they used most often into the Kin phones.

You guys don’t need apps on your new Kin phone, Microsoft has already thought of everything!

It’s been fifteen years since Bob and they are still trying to make that concept work.

I also love the tidbit at the end that the Kin won’t be “obviously branded as a Microsoft product” since that brand is such a winner.