Flicker Fusion

im not enough of a writer to avoid being either

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I’m not enough of a writer to avoid being either hopelessly maudlin or sounding like the slogan of a failed 90’s dotcom (“the people network of connected people!”) so I’ll just say thanks. Thanks to bailey and poeks and auntmarvel for organizing such a swell party, Saturday night was about as perfect as it could have been. Thanks to the wonderful folk who traveled from so far away, across water even – your sniffys and secretsquirrels, your raffitorri, the Canadians, can’t forget them (sourey!). Thanks to the locals for putting up with us, for walking us around town, for staying out late on school nights, for showing off The Tablet after a few drinks (myeh, seems kinda half-baked, I’ll wait for the next one).

And to every awesome one of you for making these ridiculous and impossible friendships real and important. Thank you so much.

(Incredibly cute photo of phillygirl and myself, artfully captured by my pal zuhl)