Flicker Fusion

Is it merely coincidental that Obama signed this executive Interpol order and that he often goes out of his way to sympathize with and advocate pro-Muslim culture, beliefs and issues?

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Is it merely coincidental that Obama signed this executive Interpol order and that he often goes out of his way to sympathize with and advocate pro-Muslim culture, beliefs and issues?

One of more bizarre of several illogical and meandering hypothetical questions that renown international security expert Chuck Norris asks in his probing (read: wingut conspiratorial) investigation (read: rant) about a procedural executive order President Obama signed granting certain immunity to Interpol. Right wing nuts love to lap up these kinds of conspiracies as proof of some sort of New World Order despite defending actual threats to our foundational democracy, such as President Bush’s violation of the 4th amendment with warrant-less wiretapping. And since one of Interpol’s charter missions is to fight child pornography, is it fair to ask why Chuck Norris and Glenn Beck support the international trafficking of child porn?

Chuck has already corrected the record about his tears curing cancer, has anyone checked to see if they cause stupidity?