Flicker Fusion

Intellectual property is the lifeblood of the U.S. economy. The primary reason for this has been the success of the U.S. patent system in allowing the innovative company in a field to develop and market its new inventions without having competitors unfairly profit from the innovator’s hard work. We developed these technologies over 15 years ago and demonstrated them widely, years before the marketplace had heard of interactive applications embedded in Web pages tapping into powerful remote resources. Profiting from someone else’s innovation without payment is fundamentally unfair. All we want is what’s fair.

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Intellectual property is the lifeblood of the U.S. economy. The primary reason for this has been the success of the U.S. patent system in allowing the innovative company in a field to develop and market its new inventions without having competitors unfairly profit from the innovator’s hard work. We developed these technologies over 15 years ago and demonstrated them widely, years before the marketplace had heard of interactive applications embedded in Web pages tapping into powerful remote resources. Profiting from someone else’s innovation without payment is fundamentally unfair. All we want is what’s fair.

Dr. Michael D. Doyle, chairman of Eolas, who’s suing pretty much everyone for … I can’t quite tell exactly. You’ll remember Eolas as the company that successfully sued Microsoft for half a billion dollars for their “patent” on embedded media.

If you want to see me get irrationally pissed about something, mention some bullshit like this in casual conversation. Assholes like Michael D. Doyle deserve an repeated cockpunch for eternity.