What can we say – it’s December and the BCS is in chaos again
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What can we say – it’s December and the BCS is in chaos again
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and sponsor of a bill before Congress to force college football to use a playoff system rather than bowl games to determine the national champion.
I realize our Congresspeople are perfectly capable of handling multiple tasks at once and that the bowl system is a terrible way to handle this. But there is absolutely no way anyone will ever convince me that this merits the attention of our elected officials. If they’re breaking the law, enforce the law, otherwise, stay out of it.
I’m also curious if Rep. Barton, ranking Republican on the committee that determines this country’s energy policy, has spent the same time and effort on, say, understanding the science of climate change as he has his efforts to reform college fucking football.